Like most Americans, you probably have a laundry list of complaints about your lack of Paid Time Off (PTO). Don’t even look up how much other countries get- it’ll only make you angry. When you’re given only a small number of days per year, maximizing these days is absolutely crucial. Here are my top tips on how to maximize PTO for travel!

Plan out your year in advance
This is something you’ll find me doing sometimes even more than a year in advance. As soon as my company releases their holiday schedule for the following year, I get to planning! Keep in mind though that planning doesn’t always mean booking! Just try to lay out some possible dates/destinations to focus on and then start tracking flights. Factor in some longer trips and where you can sprinkle in short getaways. The further in advance you start planning, the more maximizing you can do (and often the more money you could save).
If you know you always like to spend a week at home for the holidays at the end of the year or know you’re definitely going to take a full-week trip that year, budget it in immediately. If your company’s timekeeping system allows, put them in right away so they are “out of sight, out of mind.” This will help you with planning so you know exactly how many hours you have to play with.
Read More: An Ultimate Guide to Finding Cheap Flights

Maximize your weekends
If you work a regular workweek, that means you are given 2 full, consecutive days off each and every week. I know that’s an obvious, but let that sink in. That’s 2 full days to do whatever you wish, with no obligation to your work. Working 9-5 from Monday-Friday means you are given 64 hours in between your Friday and Monday shifts. Time to maximize your time and save that precious PTO!
Those 64 hours between Friday at 5 pm and Monday at 9 am are yours to maximize! Take advantage of short plane or train rides you can hop onto on a Friday night, and early morning flights back on Monday mornings. Keep a spare set of work clothes in your desk drawer and go straight to the office on Monday morning. Sure you may be tired that day, but you were able to have two full days to explore at your destination!
Click here for more weekend trip inspiration!

Don’t be afraid of red-eyes
A huge key if you are looking for a quick trip to the west coast or Europe. Red eyes are far from glamorous, but if you’re willing to give up one night of good sleep for a few days of adventure- then this is for you! Red eyes typically leave their destination very late at night (think 10/11 pm) and land very early in the morning (5/6/7 am). Traveling while you sleep is the ultimate time maximizer! Pack a neck pillow, an eye mask, and take some zzQuil. Don’t plan on getting your full eight hours, but you can always stop for coffee (or two) when you land. One day of being tired will be well worth the memories, trust me!

Take advantage of long weekends
Often an obvious, but certainly worth pointing out. Many businesses will close a day or two around holidays like Labor Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, etc. Take advantage! If a three day weekend isn’t enough, tack on an extra day on either the front or back ends. You can get a four day vacation and only have to use one day of PTO!
Or, if the holiday weekends aren’t feasible, consider scattering a few long weekend trips throughout the year. An extra day or two can really help make a trip a reality. Sometimes a weekend just isn’t enough time and you need just a little… bit… more.
Click here for more long weekend trip inspiration!

Supplement weekend trips with 1/2 days off
If taking a full day off is stretching it (or if you are trying to be extra frugal), try supplementing your weekends with 1/2 days off. Rather than waiting until the clock strikes 5 on a Friday, leave around 1 or 2 pm instead. You can head straight to the airport and start your trip. Depending on your flight time, you could be able to make it to your destination in time for a nice dinner, while other people back home may just be leaving the office. A quick, easy way to give you a few bonus hours in your destination, without breaking the PTO bank!

Work remotely or from another office
I think we can all agree that if there is one silver lining from the Covid pandemic, it is the flexibility we’ve gained to work remotely. Companies have invested in software and programs to make connecting and working from anywhere completely seamless. Even now as the world is (for the most part) opened back up, a lot of employees still have flexibility to work remotely at least a couple days a week. If you are in this situation, I encourage you to take advantage!
Try staggering your WFH days next to a weekend so you have extra time to explore your destination, without using your precious PTO. Pack up your laptop, work during the day, and explore in the evening! Have wifi, will travel!
Comparatively, if you work for a company that has offices across the country, inquire about whether it would be possible to work out of that office for a few days. While you will still be spending your days “at the office”, working in an office in LA or Miami sounds pretty enticing, doesn’t it?
Tip: If inquiring about this, be sure you clarify what time zone they would like you to work in. If you’re in California but they expect you to be “online” during New York hours, be prepared to log on early. I worked remotely in Hawaii for a month and started working very early in the morning, but had my entire afternoon and evening free! It’s a trade off, but worth it.
Read More: A Day in the Life Working Remotely In Hawaii

Have a “staycation”
Last but not least, when the PTO bank starts drying up, remind yourself how much you love your home city! Walk around with the lens of a tourist seeing it for the first time. Go to your city’s most cliché tourist attraction and remind yourself why people come here. You may surprise yourself at how much fun you have re-discovering your city.
Alternatively, you could always explore a nearby town or city. Get in your car, jump on a train, and explore your area! While it may not feel like Paris or Prague, it will definitely help feed your adventurous itch. Plus, it will get you exploring a place you may never have considered!
Traveling soon? Check out my Travel Tips page to help you score good deals on flights, packing tips, tools to help you plan, and more!
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