One of my favorite ways to document my trips is by taking photos! Not only do they make the ultimate souvenir, but I absolutely love flipping back through my photos and reliving the magic of when I was there. As a solo traveler, getting the perfect shot can require a bit of work and creativity. Here are my top tips on how to take photos of yourself as a solo traveler!

Invest in a sturdy tripod
An absolute necessity! If you’re just starting out, there is no need to invest in anything super fancy. I have one similar to this one with adjustable legs and maneuverable feet. It’s also key to have the ability to raise the camera as high as possible, so look for one with an adjustable center post (that goes to about 60″ or so). Shorter tripods will force you to be always looking down at the camera, and let’s face it, that’s nobody’s best angle.
I still consider myself a photography newbie, but when I was a super newbie, I had this tripod. While that one was great to toss in your bag and go, it certainly came with drawbacks. If you’re going to invest in equipment, make sure it is durable. Tripods like this one are weak and flimsy. I have a permanent ding on the side of my camera from it tipping over in the slightest breeze. Saving a few dollars is not worth the risk of damaging your equipment!

Don’t be afraid to ask strangers
I used to be so nervous and embarrassed to ask strangers to take photos of me! Once you become more comfortable getting the ask out, you will find that people very rarely (if ever) say no! So, why not ask?!
Before reaching out, make sure you set your camera to the exact settings you want. You’ll want to make it as easy as you can for them. Unless I’m looking for a very specific shot, I’ll usually hand them my camera with auto mode turned on so they can focus on the angle or other specifics. The best advice is to try and find someone who has a camera themselves. They will probably be more fluent with terminology and will understand when you describe the shot you’re looking for.
When in doubt, I’ve found that teenagers are the best! They tend to understand what you’re going for without you having to give much explanation! There have been many times I’ve simply handed one my phone and asked if they could take a photo of me. They’ll automatically snap a ton of pictures from every angle. They just get it.

Get up before the sun
If you’re looking for photos without other people in them (or want some time to play around to get the right shot), getting out the door early is essential. Arriving at places slightly before sunrise gives you the solitude and freedom to get the shot you want. As a bonus, the lighting that time of day is much softer and the colors of a rising sun will only add to your photos!

Tip: If you’re looking to shoot at a location that has specific opening hours, do a quick Google search to find the most “popular” times. Searching a place on Google Maps will usually show the graph in the left panel when places tend to be the most and least busy. A great tool to help you plan!

Have a shot in mind
Doing a little bit of homework beforehand can help give you “the” shot you’re looking for! Pin your exact location on a map and play around with street view. Check for obstacles that may impact your shot and make plan for how to overcome them. Knowing what you have in mind can also help if the location starts to become busy. Rather than wasting other’s time while you fiddle around with angles, come prepared and ready to get the shot you want.
Tip: Search your location on Instagram to get inspiration for your shot!

Invest in a shutter remote
If you plan on taking photos on your phone, invest in a shutter remote for your shots! They are inexpensive (generally ranging from $5 – $20) and you can find them many places, including Amazon. Set your phone’s self timer, push the shutter, and you can have enough time to stash the remote in your pocket or bag and get into position.
Many cameras nowadays also have built in wifi, so you can connect to your phone as a shutter. I shoot on the Fujifilm X-T100 and I connect to the Fuji app. This allows me to see the shot and release the shutter from my phone or set a self timer. Honestly a lifesaver, and a huge key to successfully taking great travel photos!

Embrace the selfie
A good selfie will never go out of style! When all the elements work against doing a full set up, or you want a quick shot, just pull out your phone and snap a selfie. The newer iPhones even have the ability to make a (slightly) wide angle on the front-facing camera so you can maximize scenery in your shot. No shame in a selfie!

Use the elements as a makeshift tripod
Trees, bushes, benches… anything can be used as a tripod in a pinch! In the shot above, I actually propped my camera up on the wooden post using a beach towel. I then set the self timer for 3 seconds and walked out into the frame. It was a quick way to get a shot without setting up all my equipment. I also make sure I travel with a mini tripod like this one. The bendable legs make it perfect to wrap around tree branches, signs, anything! Plus, it’s small enough to throw in your day bag without taking up much room at all.

Above all, have no shame!
Easier said than done for sure, but checking your shame at the door is critical! There definitely are times when I am embarrassed of setting my tripod, timer, and posing in front of it all by myself. However, I then realize that I am literally never going to see any of these people again. What do I care? I’m only traveling to this place for a short time, and so what if I want to take photos of myself?! Embrace the shot and just go for it!
Traveling soon? Check out my Travel Tips page to help you score good deals on flights, packing tips, tools to help you plan, and more!
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