The hardest part about your first solo trip will be booking the ticket! Once you overcome that mental hurdle, the rest will fall into place. However, there are a few hacks to make your first solo trip memorable, and help you from getting overwhelmed. These are my top tips for your first solo trip!

Ease out of your comfort zone
Taking a solo trip is often a big enough push outside of comfort zones! Try not to push too hard, as you may end up overwhelming yourself and not enjoying the experience.
If the thought of staying in a hostel overwhelms you, opt for a hotel (even if that means paying more). If you’re uneasy about taking public transportation, budget ahead of time for taxis and Ubers. Missing “comfort” food while on your trip? Don’t feel bad about grabbing a meal at McDonald’s.
There is no “right” or “wrong” way to travel, so make sure you are comfortable, especially on your first solo trip!

Start with a country where you are fluent in the language
The language barrier can often be one of the most difficult hurdles to overcome, especially on a solo trip. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed when you are in a foreign country alone, and not able to communicate or understand those around you. For your first solo trip, try visiting a country where you are fluent in the language. The UK, Canada, Australia, or the Caribbean are all great options for English speakers!
When in doubt- your home country is a perfect place for your first solo trip! My first solo trip was over 2,500 miles away- to Palm Springs, CA! It’s not about the distance or the “international” aspect- it’s about the feeling! In fact, a majority of my solo trip have been around the US on my quest to visit all 50 states before my 30th birthday.

Don’t be afraid to talk to people
One of the best parts about solo travel is undoubtedly, the time you have by yourself. No pressure to entertain people or run things by them. It can be incredibly freeing! However, there may be times where it can also feel lonely at the same time.
Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with people along your travels! I know, I know- easier said than done for introverts. However, you never know who you could be talking to- I’ve met some really incredible and fascinating people! And the best part is that even if they’re weird, or you say something awkward- you move along and never see them again. Win, win!

Have a plan, but be flexible
The only thing you can plan- is for plans to change.
Especially when traveling and being out of your routine, you’ll find things can take either longer (or shorter) than you’d expect. Be flexible and learn to roll when time gets away from you or things don’t go according to plan. You may find that sitting down for a meal in other countries can take 3 hours instead of 1, or there is an insanely long line at customs. Give yourself plenty of time between “scheduled” activities, as a cushion. And when you find yourself ahead of schedule or with extra time on your hands? Consult your Google MyMaps for nearby activities to fill time!

Be mindful of your surroundings
Common sense to some, but worth reiterating when traveling solo! Be mindful of where you are and the behaviors of those around you. If you ever feel uncomfortable, listen to your gut and find somewhere else to be. No experience is worth jeopardizing your safety or saving money, so grab a cab and get somewhere you are more comfortable. Keep your belongings close to you (and locked, if you can) at all times and avoid flaunting large amounts of cash or other things that may make you a target.
Traveling soon? Check out my Travel Tips page to help you score good deals on flights, packing tips, tools to help you plan, and more!
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